Happy 1st Blogday Me!*


Yes one year ago today I posted my very first entry on Melifeinablog! I am officially one year old.

My that year went quick. Whilst we can safely forget the majority of what has passed, there is still a lot to be thankful for.

Most of all I am proud of this blog. Keepng it going has been no small feat and the support has been overwhelming.

Though I have been quiet of late I am still very much here and planning to continue on into my toddler years.

The summer has been a total washout and I don’t just mean the British weather, which is why the posting has almost ground to a halt. As I continue to find my feet and attempt to write without always simply pushing through the pain, it is possible that it may be a while before the pace picks up again.

But please do know that I am still here undeterred, fighting the good fight, and, as always, thinking of you.

Thank you for your continuing support and feedback… for without you, reader, a blog is only half a thing.

*Giftlist registered in various establishments and available upon request

Other Firsts this month:

  • 1st time I’ve watched a box set in a week: House Of Cards, series one. Do I go straight in for series 2?
  • 1st sugar free ice-cream I have found that is made of good stuff and actually tastes yummy. No shit.
  • 1st political party I’ve ever joined. Yes WE can. #Womens Equality Party
  • 1st time booked to go to Devon to see my niece since I’ve been ill. (Now just have to make it!)
  • 1st time have mistakenly had Ocado deliver when not even staying at my flat. Whoops. Has it really taken this long?
  • 1st time got to watch my best mate’s – theatre producer – work in action, via online streaming. #iliadlive. Super proud.